Are Amongst Us.

Weary spirits...
Restless wraiths on the evening breezes...
Find here the ghosts of old, the subjects of macabre tales whispered
on lonely evenings before cold fires, with shudderings and
fearful glances about...
On Saturday, January 13, 1996, I stepped through the dank entryway of an ancient
boardinghouse outside of the old town of LaGrange, California. A tree grew
through the floor of the foyer, which had many broken and sagging boards,
and I walked gingerly for fear of crashing through to the hard earth below.
Crouching in a dark corner of the room, I settled in and waited. I did not move.
This was the same date and approaching the same time as when I had first seen the ghost
nearly seven years ago. At that time, I had run like a dog. Now, after exhaustive
research and many explorations of ghost tales, I was back. This time, I would not run...
Have you seen a ghost?
Would you be willing to share your experience? My interest in ghosts has influenced
me to seek out more and more information on actual sightings.
Are you willing to be interviewed or videotaped if your story is selected
for further study?
We desire true stories, and we are only interested
in ghosts, not others of the spirit world.
To separate fact from fiction, we ask that you click the appropriate
box at the top of the submission form, either certifying yours to be a true story,
or advising us you are submitting your story for fun.
The ghost entered the room. It had the appearance of a man, tall, dressed in coveralls, a white
long-sleeved shirt. It ignored me, moving to the counter, leaning purposefully against it and looking
around itself.
I thought I was more prepared than this. I found my heart pounding wildly...
If you are willing to help in my research, please click on the button below and answer the questionaire
I have provided. Thank you for your support!

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Ghost Links
R.S. Bolling
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